NikitaNation Full Movie

Our first ever team edit NikitaNation will premiere online on Oct 18th EST. 

 Keep this page open or favorite it on Youtube - it'll be live soon!

Combing skate and snow, this edit comes at a time when Nikita is more focused than ever on broadening their inclusion of riders and highlighting the talent that each of them has to offer. Featuring riders Summer Fenton, Ari Morrone, Elena Koenz, Kendra Long, Jennifer Charlene, Janthavy Norton, Eunice Chang, Nadja Flemming, Sarah Delaet, Brooke Potter, Alisa Fessl, Audrey Friess, Ty Schnorrbusch and Ashley Thornton and compiled of footage filmed around the world, it’s another way we at Nikita are working to continue to grow our community of Girls Who Ride across the globe.
Van Mary "Let Me Be Your Love"
Van Mary "Dead"
Van Mary "Ennui"
Banadriil "Steppin on the Beach"

Filming / footage
Lucas Chemotti
Jenna Kuklinski
JP Schlick
Ryan Sheetz
Gabe Marziller
& Friends

Directed By
Jenna Kuklinski

Edited By
Lucas Chemotti

Art Direction 
Alexis Sepkovic


Jenna Kuklinski



October 14, 2019 — CS Team