Five Years of Hot Curbs & Cool Pools
The Munich Skateboarding Jam Session for women and girls celebrates its fifth anniversary this year. Hot Curbs & Cool Pools (HCCP), hosted by Skateboarding München e.V. will take place at the Skate Plaza of the Feierwerk Munich on the 10th of August. In addition to the street style contest and several coachings, riders are able to represent their skills at the mini ramp Jam.
Push each other to the next level, have lots of fun and conquer the park. Whether with free coaching for all skate levels or as a contest participant - everybody will be satisfied at this weekend.
Besides contest and coaching, HCCP offers women in the skate scene a platform to show their skills and to get in contact with international riders, media and sponsors. Networking was and is an integral part of HCCP.
The morning consists of free coachings with experienced trainers who can help in making first steps on the board or give valuable tips to advanced girls. Even absolute beginners are invited to show up thanks to free rental equipment.
This year, HCCP could not choose better partners than Blue Tomato and Nikita. Both brands have been behind women in action sports for years and provided them with the necessary clothes and equipment.
The contest will be held for one day and is aimed primarily to female street / park skaters. Divided between pros (sponsored), rookies (unsponsored) and U16 / Ü16. An important part of HCCP is to reward the girl´s performance suitably. To cross out the gender pay gap, the winners will be rewarded not only with prizes but also with a total of € 3,500 in cash.
In the late afternoon, after hitting the mini ramp, a relaxed BBQ with cold drinks and good music will be the perfect end to the perfect day. The prizes and prize money will be also given here.
Further information: https://www.hotcurbscoolpools.com/
Photo Credits: Maximilian Thaler