Nikita accepts returns within fourteen (14) days of the date of delivery (the 14-day return period begins from the date that product leaves our warehouse). You may return any product purchased from this website in its original condition for origin merchandise value.
To initiate your return or exchange, email and be sure to specify your order number and the product you are returning or wanting to exchange.
Send Returns & Exchanges To:
Nikita Clothing
106 West 4th Street #500
Santa Ana, CA 92701
If you ordered by credit card, Nikita will credit your account within 14 business days.
Nikita reserves the right either to reject your return and decline to refund or to deduct from those payments to be refunded to you reasonable repair or other similar direct costs that we have incurred, subject to applicable law.
To exchange an order, simply return your original item for a refund and place a new order online (see "RETURNS" above).
Customer desiring to return or refuse delivery will be best serviced by receiving the delivery and following the return instructions included in the package.
Nikita shall not be held responsible for delay or failure to perform if the delay or failure is caused by any circumstances beyond its reasonable control including but not limited to acts of war or terror, strikes, national or local states of emergency, failure of transportation facilities, power or utility outages, earthquakes, or other natural disasters.