Nikita Nation Feature: Jordan Santana
We first met Jordan Santana during practice at Dew Tour for the G.W.R. Girls Am competition. Amelia Brodka introduced us to her, and told us we would love her as both a skateboarder and a person. Sure enough, in no time at all Jordan had us impressed with her skill, determination and drive. Towards the end of practice Jordan took a big slam in the deep end of the bowl. Following safety precautions, she was taken out of the park on a back board and brought to the hospital to be evaluated for possible injuries. None of us knew if she would be able to skate in the finals, but we all prayed that she’d be making an appearance in the competition. Sure enough, the next morning Jordan was ready bright and early (cleared by the doctors) and skated her way to a second place podium finish in the first ever G.W.R. Girls Am competition at Dew Tour Long Beach. After a showing like that, we had to know more about this awesome person. So- we gathered our questions, sent them her way and made her this month’s Nikita Nation feature.
All Images- Desiree Astorga
Where did you first learn to skateboard, from who? What encouraged you to try?
I first learned to skateboard at Jamail Skatepark here in Houston, Texas. My father had seen a documentary on Showtime about Skateboarder Christian Hosoi, it was called “Rising Son, The Legend of Skateboarder Christian Hosoi”. My father was so interested in Christian’s story, that he arranged to have Christian come to our church in Houston to tell his story. The first time I ever stepped on a skateboard, Christian held my hands and rolled me back and forth on the skateboard in the bowl. I thought skateboarding was so cool! From my first day on the board, I was 5 years old I knew that’s what I wanted to do.
How do you balance your time between skateboarding with school - do you have other hobbies activities, participate in other board sports?
I balance my time between school and skateboarding very easily, school in the morning and skateboarding at night, every night! My other hobbies are music, reading, drawing, and sometimes rock climbing with my sister, because that’s what she does. I play drums, bass guitar and a little piano.
How do you feel skateboarding has impacted your daily life when you’re off of a skateboard?
Skateboarding impacts my life definitely off the board as much as when I’m on the board. It feels like no matter where I go or what I do, there is always something dealing with skateboarding around me. The more I skateboard definitely makes me feel more confident in what I’m doing, and I always get excited about competitions.
What kind of relationships have you gained from the sport- whether it be coaches, new friends or family support?
I am so stoked on all the friendships I have made through skateboarding! Some of the absolute coolest people around and some of my best friends. Through my sponsor/mentor Christian Hosoi, I’ve been so blessed to be taught and get tips from not only him, but many of the pros and legends, skateboarding to me is like family. My family and friends support me 100%, they are always there for me and cheering me on.
Have you ever taught a friend or family member how to skate or to land a trick that you were proud of?
I taught my cousins how to skateboard, they are trying to learn inverts, inverts are one of my favorite tricks. Sometimes I help when I see little kids at the skatepark learning to skate. A lot of the little ones ask me for tips and ask me to show them how to do a certain trick.
Who is a role model of yours and why?
My role model in skateboarding of course is Christian Hosoi. I would watch hours and hours, over and over, of his videos on YouTube to try to learn his tricks and sick style. Also Steve Caballero, one of the best ever, Eddie Elguera and Lonny Hiramoto.
Above Image - Dew Tour
What has been the most defining moment of your time as a competitive skateboarder so far?
The most defining moment for me in skateboarding was at the 2018 Vans Girls Combi when Steve Van Doren (Vans) and Jim Gray awarded me the number 1 ranking for 2017, National Amateur Champion for World Cup Skateboarding, that was awesome.
What was it like to compete at Dew Tour? What surprised you?
I was so stoked when I got the email inviting me to the Dew Tour. For many years I have followed the Dew Tour, but never did I think that I would be skating in it. The day before the competition, I had slammed pretty bad on doing an invert, I had never slammed on an invert before, I'm not really sure how that happened. They took me out on a stretcher, checked me out and told me that I was good. The very next day I placed 2nd at the Dew Tour!!! How awesome is that! The Dew Tour, and the prizes from Nikita Clothing were bigger than any other competition I had ever done, I am still STOKED!!! So, thank you Nikita and Exposure for this great opportunity to skate the Dew Tour!
What is your next goal with the sport?
My next goal in skateboarding is to compete with the best, the pros, and to finish learning a 540.
How would you like to see skateboarding change or evolve, specifically in relating to girls’ participation?
I want girls skateboarding to continue to grow and be respected. I was so stoked when I began to get invited to invitationals, I felt like people were starting to take notice of my skating abilities, it felt great. The Vans Combi, the U. S. Open and now the Dew Tour, that was so much fun! I remember watching the boys in the Dew Tour on television for years, now there are girl’s categories, oh yeah! So stoked!!! Also, I heard that Vans was now making the girls prize purse the same amount as the boys in all their competitions. We are on our way!
What are your skateboarding essentials?
I’m always excited to set up a new deck. The deck, it’s design, the rails, the trucks, and the wheels. I am always so excited when my sponsors (Hosoi Skateboards, Vans, 187 Killer Pads, ProTec, Powerflex Wheels, Rastaclat, Merge4Socks and Southside Skatepark) send me products. The shoes, Vans shoes are so SICK! So many designs, and so many styles (Thank you Vans!) It’s like opening Christmas presents all year long!
What are your favorite SS18 Nikita pieces!?
My favorite Nikita pieces? The hoodies! So awesome! I love the hoodies!!! Thank you Nikita!!!
Above Image - Israel Santana
Thank you again to Jordan for sitting down with us and letting us get to know her better - if you don't follow her yet on instagram, do it now @jordanfsantana! Also, huge thanks to her father Israel and of course to everyone at Dew Tour and Exposure Skate.