Photographer Maria Ferrés x Rider Deana Dhillon
Lake Tahoe- based photographer, Maria Ferrés, remembers growing up in the 80's in Barcelona when it "wasn't easy for a girl who had passion for skate, surf and snowboard...". She told us, "NO girls around had any interest on the same things and it was impossible to find brands for me. When I discovered Nikita was a huge thing for me, finally something for girls by girls... I still have my first belt that says 'for girls who ride'. "
Since her days growing up between the Barcelona city life and the Pyrenees mountains, Maria found herself "involved in the European Snowboard Industry and finally following her dreams, love and curiosity"..all the way to California. There, in Lake Tahoe, Maria linked up with friend and Nikita Rider, Deana Dhillon, to capture some of our latest SS18 merchandise....
"I love taking photos with 'SunnyDee', she is a happy, beautiful, talented, badass girl and it's always fun to shoot with her, I wish I could do it more often!"...Photography makes me happy, I get to connect with beautiful people, make them smile, discover amazing stories and places, it's like magic in an image. I love working with badass girls that love to ride, girls that are not scared to follow their dreams and to be themselves."
Maria Ferrés is a Photographer and Creative Director. "...But before that I'm a dreamer with endless curiosity that loves capturing happiness, natural beauty, magic and style. I work with both digital and analog cameras but if I have to be honest, I love working with my instant analog cameras, it brings back the magic and the challenges that this crazy digital World is making disappear."
Follow more of her work her on Instagram @magiclomo or visit her Website: mariaferresamat.com.